
by - 10:02 AM

We are what we eat and I'm saying this because 90% our health issues and physical appearance mostly are determined by what we put into our bodies. Like I said earlier, I'm not the person who will ask you to turn into a vegan or cut out all your carbs or whatsoever because I don't but what I always recommend and preach on is portion control and healthy substitutes.
 First of, if you're a sweet lover like me, I will ask you to make your own desserts. For example, if you want to eat a cake instead of using regular flour, you can switch to oat or whole wheat flour. As your sugar, you can opt for honey and a banana (also works well even in chocolate or red velvet cake). Choose unsweetened almond milk instead of regular milk and 2teaspoons of vegetable oil instead of butter. These are some tiny changes you will make that will amazingly help you achieve your healthy you.

Secondly, the main course. Red meat might be tasty and all but it's also not good for you. It elevates your blood pressure, causes gout, and many more diseases but I'm not going to ask you to completely cut it. What you can do is, have a lean steak once a month so your body will not be craving it, especially those who are meat lovers. Focus on lean chicken/turkey and some fish (make sure the fish isn't raise on antibiotics because that's a big no no). Have more vegetables on your plate than your carbs. For example, if you're eating a hamburger, have a garden salad as the side and you might add a tiny portion of sweet potato or French fries. Or if it's a pizza night, have a slice of pizza with a lot of vegetables of your choice. Vegetables and salads are very filling and will help you control your cravings if  added to the meals you love.

Thirdly, NO SODA. Yes, NO SODA. your body doesn't need soda. It's full on sugar and is very addictive. You want to drink a sparkly drink? Make your own. You can get one of those soda makers, mix your water with some lemon, or strawberry, whatever you want with honey, put it on the machine and TADA you have your SODA. Eventually you will have to stop drinking sparkly drinks because the bubbles in those, can make you blotted or gassy. Truth be told, WATER is the best thing on earth you could ever drink so DRINK SOME WATER. If you think it's tasteless, add some lemon but you are going to have to drink at least 8 cups of water a day to see the results you want.

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