Reasons why your diet is NOT working

by - 12:43 PM

          Everybody wants to lose weight or wants to be healthy but 90% of the time, we do it the wrong way. We often find ourselves envying fitness models or athletes and end falling into a crazy workout routines or drastic diets. The thing we always forget is bodies and minds are so different. What works for me does Not necessarily work you, that's why You ought to figure what works for YOU.

1. Drastic diets are a big no for me because you'll end up gaining all your weight back after a couple of months. Why? You did not give your body and brain time to adjust. You cannot go from eating greasy foods every day to salads. Your body will crave the junk to the point where you'll end giving in to temptations. Like I said in the nutrition article, substitute. Instead of frying your chicken, bake and so on.

2. Do not attempt workouts that are way out of your league just because you want fast results. You are NOT competing with anybody but yourself. It's all about baby steps. Lots of people go from not working out to wanting to try high intensity bootcamps. Guess what? You have a high chance of giving up. If you've never worked out, start with walking then add short jogs in between. Do some low intensity aerobics and increase your level as you go.

3. People always ask me what my secret is because some do not believe I lost weight just by working out and making few changes. Well sorry to disappoint you but that's all I've been doing. There's no secret pill or secret because if you take weight loss pills, teas, and etc, the weight will quickly come back as soon as you stop. Everything is in your head. Our thoughts are what control us. If you tell your mind (not body) I can do it, you definitely will. We are tired, hungry, mad, sad, depressed because we tell ourselves that's how we are feeling. When you get hungry and you know you just ate, tell your brain to shut up because you just fed your stomach. Try this with every emotions you feel and tell me the results. Will be waiting :)

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